Dear Friends,
A warm welcome to St. Andrew’s Parish Community!
We are a vibrant, welcoming, diverse and multicultural Roman Catholic Community in the South-Eastern in the Archdiocese of Melbourne, located in Clayton South, Victoria.
Since July 2018, this parish is in the care of the Pallottines, a world-wide religious congregation founded in 1835 by St Vincent Pallotti, who called every person to share in the mission of Jesus as an apostle.
As your Parish Priest, I serve and am proud of the warmth, generosity and loving service of our parish in its outreach to the wider Monash community.
We hope this website gives you a window into our parish family and with it goes an invitation to come and see. We invite you to become part of the parish family by worshiping at Holy Mass, participating in our many activities and service opportunities, and giving your time and talent.
Please feel free to come and visit us or contact the parish office if you require further assistance.