This group picks up the altar linen to be cleaned at the weekend mass, to be washed / ironed / folded and then keeps the washed altar linen in place during the week. A roster is prepared by the coordinator.


This important ministry is open to all members of the Parish who have received the Sacrament of the Eucharist. There are servers rostered for each of the Weekend masses and they assist the Priest in the service of community by the celebration of the Liturgy. A training course is held once a year after the First Holy Eucharist and the servers are commissioned after successful completion of this course. This group meets 1st Monday of every month in the Parish House


This team brings children of primary school age to hear the Word of God at their own level of understanding and to see it relate to their own lives. Currently it is available at the 6pm Saturday and 9:30am Sunday Mass. The children are taken by a leader and assistant to the Children’s Liturgy Room. They leave the church after the opening prayer and return to church after the Prayers of Intercession with offertory. Volunteers are always needed.


There are 4 choir groups for all the weekend Masses. Each choir meets during the week for practice. Anyone who can sing a little is most welcome to join any choir. They have a lot of fun, as well as enriching our great Feasts and weekend celebrations.


Their time is required during Mass as per a monthly roster prepared by the coordinator to do the first and second collection and also if there are any special collections during Mass.


A commentator fulfils a genuine liturgical ministry, which consists of presenting to the assembly of the faithful, from a suitable place, relevant explanations and comments that are clear, of marked simplicity, meticulously prepared, as a rule written out and approved beforehand by the celebrant for any weekend or Special Mass as per the roster.


After being trained, lay ministers are authorised to take Holy Communion to those who are not able to attend Mass: the ill, the elderly, the housebound and those in hospitals or nursing homes. We have a dedicated group of volunteers who take communion to Nursing Homes and private homes of those unable to come to Mass.


This group organises flowers for the Altar in the Church for the weekend Masses and special occasions upon request.


This Committee is responsible for the Liturgical Life of the Parish under the guidance of the Parish Priest. It fosters holiness and grace in the people by preserving the integrity of the Liturgy. This group plans the Liturgy for the Mass for special celebrations like Mother’s Day, ANZAC Day etc. The Liturgy committee is the avenue of communication between the different liturgical ministry groups in the Parish.


The Legion of Mary is a worldwide society of practising Catholics, who seek to realize the riches of the Faith and to share them with others. This group meets every Monday in the church at 7pm and visit people’s houses, say Rosary and prayers with the Statue of Our Lady. They also lead the rosary in the Adoration Chapel at St. Andrew’s every 3rd Wednesday at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to join in the rosary.