Children’s Liturgy:
Our children’s liturgy’s Group provides an opportunity for children under the age of 12 to reach a better understanding of the Gospel reading each Sunday. Kids get to learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way. Children are taken to the Children’s Liturgy room during the 6.00 pm Mass on Saturday and the 9.30 am mass on Sunday and return to Church during the Offertory.
Coordinator: Hanna
To join please complete the form and return it to the Parish Office.
Altar Servers:
Altar Servers play an important part and have an active role in the Church Liturgy. Boys and Girls who have received their First Holy Communion are invited to join the group. After some initial training, Servers are placed on the roster with more experienced servers in order to develop their confidence and understanding of the role.
Every First Monday of the month the altar servers meet to organize rosters for the month.
Twice a year fun activities are organized for the group in appreciation for their service. The Altar Servers group is indeed a good start for young children in our parish before they move on to the bigger youth group.
Coordinators: Hyacinth and Maisie
To join please complete the form and return it to the Parish Office